Construction Process and Management
A guide for safe working on contaminated sites (R132) - HK$1,480
A simple guide to building (SP153) - HK$260
A simple guide to controlling risk (SP154) - HK$260
Action in the case of non-conformity of concrete structures (C519) - HK$1,480
Benchmarking for construction - a strategic review (PR69) - HK$840
Benchmarking knowledge management practice in construction (C620) - HK1,480
Benchmarking the performance of design activities in construction (C618) - HK$2,760
Benefit trading - a practical guide for construction (C526) - HK$1,480
Brownfields - managing the development of previously developed land. A client's guide (C578) - HK$1,920
Buildings for all to use 2 - improving the accessibility of public buildings and environments (C610) - HK$1,730
Buildings for all to use 2 - improving the accessibility of public buildings and environments (C706CD) - HK$1,730
Business case for knowledge management in construction (C642) - HK$1,480
CDM 2007 - Construction work sector guidance for designers (C662) - HK$1,160
CDM 2007 - Workplace “in-use” guidance for designers (C663) - HK$840
CDM training pack for designers (C501) - HK$3,970
Civil engineering bills of quantities (R34) - HK$320
Civil engineering design and construct - a guide to integrating design into the construction process (C534) - HK$1,480
Climate change risks in building - an introduction (C638) - HK$1,600
Coastal and estuarine managed realignment - design issues (C628) - HK$1,600
Coastal and marine environmental pocket book (C594) - HK$1,800
Coastal and marine environmental site guide (C584) - HK$640
Concreting deep lifts and large volume pours (R135) - HK$840
Construction contract incentive schemes - lessons from experience (C554) - HK$1,480
Construction Industry Environmental Forum Knowledge base 1992 - 2001 (C596CD) - HK$1,800
Construction of bunds for oil storage tanks (R163) - HK$840
Construction-management education and practical application - the gap (PR76) - HK$840
Control of risk: a guide to the systematic management of risk from construction (SP125) - HK$840
Control of water pollution from construction sites. Guidance for consultants and contractors (C532) - HK$1,800
Control of water pollution from linear construction projects. Site guide (C649) - HK$840
Crane stability on site - second edition (C703) - HK$640
Design for inherent security: guidance for non-residential buildings (SP115) - HK$1,160
Design of containment systems for the prevention of water pollution from industrial incidents (R164) - HK$1,480
Drystone retaining walls and their modifications: condition appraisal and remedial treatment (C676) - HK$1,480
Easy access environmental management: Implementation of BS 8555 in the construction sector, Phases 1–6 – guidance workbook (C667CD) - HK$1,480
ENGAGE. How to deliver socially responsible construction - a client's guide (C627) - HK$960
Environmental good practice - training resource (C678TP) - HK$4,040
Environmental handbook for building and civil engineering projects. Part 2: construction (C528) - HK$1,480
Environmental handbook for building and civil engineering projects. Part 3: demolition and site clearance (C529) - HK$1,480
Environmental issues in construction - a strategic review (C510) - HK$1,480
EPIC - environmental performance improvement clubs (C585CD) - HK$1,480
Facilities management manuals - a best practice guide (C581) - HK$1,600
Faster construction on site by selection of methods and materials (C560) - HK$1,480
Final report on action research with the Construction Productivity Network (PR71) - HK$840
Formwork striking times - criteria, prediction and methods of assessment (R136) - HK$840
Good practice guidance for refurbishing occupied buildings (C621) - HK$840
Ground engineering spoil: good management practice (R179) - HK$1,160
Guidance on glazing at height (C632) - HK$1,800
Guide to developing effective learning networks in construction (C508) - HK$1,480
Guidelines for checking computer analysis of building structures (TN133) - HK$840
Innovation at the cutting edge: The experience of three major infrastructure projects (C548) - HK$1,480
Integrating safety, quality and environmental management (C509) - HK$1,480
Integrating value and risk in construction (C639) - HK$1,480
Invasive species management for infrastructure managers and the construction industry (C679) - HK$2,120
Investing in tomorrow's company. Improving sustainability communications between real estate and construction companies and the investment community (C636) - HK$1,160
Iron and steel bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment (C664) - HK$2,120
IT in construction - quantifying the benefits (R160) - HK$840
Land contamination - management of financial risk (C545) - HK$3,140
Life cycle costing: a radical approach (R122) - HK$320
Managing project change. A best practice guide (C556) - HK$1,480
Masonry arch bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment (C656) - HK$2,120
Maximising the use and exchange of coastal data. A guide to best practice (C541) - HK$1,480
More for less. A contractor's guide to improving productivity in construction (C566) - HK$320
Networks, learning and innovation in the UK construction industry (PR66) - HK$840
Non-biological methods for assessment and remediation of contaminated land - case studies (C588) - HK$1,800
Operation and maintenance manuals for buildings - a guide to procurement and preparation (C507) - HK$1,280
Performance measurement of design activities. A summary report and key performance indicators (PR85) - HK$3,200
Planning to build? A practical introduction to the construction process (SP113) - HK$840
PPPCom - the integrated risk and value management toolkit for public private partnerships (C617CD) - HK$3,200
Quality assurance in construction (SP63V) - HK$1,160
Quality management in construction - implementation in design services organisations (SP88) - HK$1,280
Quality management in construction - survey of experiences with BS 5750. Case study information (PR32) - HK$520
Quality management in construction - survey of experiences with BS 5750. Report of key findings (SP132) - HK$840
Quality management in construction: interpretations of BS 5750 (1987) - 'quality systems' for the construction industry (SP74) - HK$520
Rainwater and greywater use in buildings. Decision-making for water conservation (PR80) - HK$840
Retention of masonry facades - best practice guide (C579) - HK$1,920
Retention of masonry facades - best practice site handbook (C589) - HK$840
Reuse of foundations (C653) - HK$1,160
Risk assessment for methane and other gases from the ground (R152) - HK$840
RiskCom. Software tool for managing and communicating risks (C561CD) - HK$3,140
Safer surfaces to walk on - reducing the risk of slipping (C652) - HK$1,800
Sealants - microbiological deterioration under wet conditions (C520) - HK$1,480
Selecting contractors by value (SP150) - HK$1,480
Setting-out on site: an introduction (SP86V) - HK$1,600
Setting-out procedures for the modern built environment (C709) - HK$840
Site health handbook (second edition) (C670) - HK$640
Site investigation manual (SP25) - HK$520
Site safety handbook (fourth edition) (C669) - HK$640
Specialist trade contracting - a review (SP138) - HK$840
Steel reinforcement: a handbook for young construction professionals (SP118) - HK$840
Strengthening metallic structures using externally bonded fibre-reinforced composites (C595B) - HK$1,800
Sustainable construction - implementing targets and indicators. Experiences from CIRIA's Pioneers' Club (C633) - HK$1,600
Sustainable construction award schemes - guidance for supply chain leaders (C619) - HK$1,800
Sustainable construction procurement. A guide to delivering environmentally responsible projects C571) - HK$1,800
Sustainable construction procurement. A guide to delivering environmentally responsible projects (C702CD) - HK$1,160
Sustainable construction: company indicators (C563) - HK$1,600
Sustainable construction: company indicators (C701CD) - HK$1,600
Target and cost-reimbursable construction contracts (R85) - HK$840
Temporary access to the workface: a handbook for young professionals (SP121) - HK$840
The collaborative working training pack - supply chain good practice (C576TP) - HK$4,740
The control of quality on construction sites (SP140) - HK$840
The handbook of supply chain management (C546) - HK$960
The impact of European Communities' policy on quality management in construction (SP89) - HK$1,160
The management of technical excellence in design organisations (C531) - HK$840
The offsite project toolkit (C631CD) - HK$960
The use of rock in hydraulic engineering (second edition) (C683) - HK$3,840
The VOCs Handbook. Investigating, assessing and managing risks from inhalation of VOCs at land affected by contamination (C682) - HK$1,800
Tower crane stability (C654) - HK$1,480
Trenching practice (second edition) (R97) - HK$840
Trenchless and minimum excavation techniques - literature review. Annex to Special Publication 147 (PR63) - HK$840
Trenchless and minimum excavation techniques: planning and selection (SP147) - HK$840
Tunnels: inspection, assessment and maintenance (C671) - HK$2,120
Value by competition: a guide to the competitive procurement of consultancy services for construction (SP117) - HK$1,280
Waste minimisation in construction - training pack (C555TP) - HK$4,740
Water key performance indicators and benchmarks for offices and hotels (C657) - HK$1,160
Whole-life costing. An information pack (SP157) - HK$450
Whole-life infrastructure assetmanagement: good practice guide for civil infrastructure (C677) - HK$1,480
Working with wildlife pocket book (C613) - HK$1,800
Working with wildlife site guide (C567) - HK$640
The following titles by other publishers can be obtained through CIRIA:
A Design Framework for Building Services 2nd Edition (BG 6/2009) (X522) - HK$960
Building Services Job Book - A project framework for engineering services (BG 1/2009) (X521) - HK$960
Code for Sustainable Homes Technical guide, version 2 (X482) - HK$640
Code of Estimating Practice, 7th Edition (X486) - HK$770
Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development, 4th Edition (X509) - HK$840
Drainage of development sites - a guide (X108) - HK$1,280
Handover, O&M Manuals, and Project Feedback. A toolkit for designers and contractors (BG 1/2007) (X519) - HK$960
Introduction to Health and Safety in Construction (3rd Edition) (X489) - HK$680
Managing people on construction projects (X391) - HK$960
NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option B: Priced contract with bill of quantities (June 2005) (X196) - HK$450
NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract (ECSC) (June 2005) (X207) - HK$320
NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract Guidance Notes and Flow Charts (June 2005) (X208) - HK$320
NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC) (June 2005) (X205) - HK$460
NEC3 Professional Services Contract Guidance Notes and Flow Charts (X206) - HK$320
NEC3 Term Service Contract (June 2005) (X211) - HK$450
Refurbishment and Repair in Construction (X500) - HK$1,090
Site Engineers Manual, 2nd edition (X499) - HK$1,090
The move to low-carbon design: are designers taking the needs of building users into account?A guide for building designers, operators and users (X503) - HK$450
The Partnering Toolkit: A guide for the whole supply chain (AG 23/2002) (X514) - HK$520
Understanding IT in construction (X106) - HK$450
Value and Risk Management - A Guide to Best Practice (X290) - HK$840
Value Management of Construction Projects (X292) - HK$770
Vol. I in the Testing in Construction series - Principles and Practice of Testing in Construction (X369) - HK$960
Vol. II in the Testing in Construction series - Testing of Ceramics in Construction (X370) - HK$960
Whole Life-Cycle Costing - Risk and Risk Responses (X293) - HK$960
Whole-Life Costing Analysis (BG 5/2008) (X520) - HK$840
Why is construction so backward? (X302) - HK$580
Young Researches' Forum (X229) - HK$1,090