Sustainable Water Management
Coastal and marine environmental pocket book (C594) - HK$1,800
Coastal and marine environmental site guide (C584) - HK$640
Control of infiltration to sewers (R175) - HK$1,280
Control of pollution from highway drainage discharges (R142) - HK$1,160
Control of water pollution from construction sites. Guidance for consultants and contractors (C532) - HK$1,800
Control of water pollution from construction sites - guide to good practice
(SP156) - HK$2,880
Control of water pollution from linear construction projects. Technical guidance (C648) - HK$1,600
Control of water pollution from linear construction projects. Site guide
(C649) - HK$840
Culvert design and operation guide (C689) - HK$2,120
Design of flood storage reservoirs (B14) - HK$1,160
Engineering guide to the safety of concrete and masonry dam structures in the UK (R148) - HK$1,160
Environmental good practice - training resource (C678TP) - HK$4,040
Environmental handbook for building and civil engineering projects. Part 2: construction (C528) - HK$1,480
Environmental handbook for building and civil engineering projects. Part 3: demolition and site clearance (C529) - HK$1,480
Flow through partly-lined conduits (TN114) - HK$840
Guidance on the costing of environmental pollution from construction (C565) - HK$1,480
Guidance on the disposal of dredged material to land (R157) - HK$1,160
Guidance on water cycle management for new developments (WaND) (C690) - HK$1,160
Infiltration drainage - manual of good practice (R156) - HK$1,160
Management of accelerated low water corrosion in steel maritime structures (C634) - HK$1,600
Masonry arch bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment (C656) - HK$2,120
Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Model agreements for SUDS (C625) - HK$1,160
Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Model agreement for rainwater and greywater use systems (C626) - HK$1,160
Monitoring, maintenance and rehabilitation of water supply boreholes (R137) - HK$840
Planning for SuDS - making it happen (C687) - HK$1,280
Rainwater and greywater box set. Buildings that save water (SP160) - HK$2,120
Rainwater and greywater use in buildings. Best practice guidance (C539) - HK$1,600
Rising groundwater levels in Birmingham and the engineering implications (SP92) - HK$1,160
Risk management for UK reservoirs (C542) - HK$1,480
Rolled concrete for dams - a laboratory study of the properties of high flyash content concrete (TN105) - HK$840
Sea outfalls - construction, inspection and repair. An engineering guide (R159) - HK$1,480
Sealants - microbiological deterioration under wet conditions (C520) - HK$1,480
Selecting package wastewater treatment plants (PR72) - HK$840
Site handbook for the construction of SUDS (C698) - HK$520
Small embankment reservoirs (R161) - HK$1,600
Sustainable construction award schemes - guidance for supply chain leaders (C619) - HK$1,800
Sustainable construction: company indicators (C563) - HK$1,600
Sustainable drainage systems. Hydraulic, structural and water quality advice (C609B) - HK$2,120
Sustainable urban drainage systems - best practice manual for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (C523) - HK$1,600
Sustainable urban drainage systems - design manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland (C521) - HK$1,600
Sustainable urban drainage systems - design manual for England and Wales (C522) - HK$1,600
Sustainable water management in land use planning (C630) - HK$2,120
The potential for water pollution from railways (C643) - HK$840
The Rock Manual. The use of rock in hydraulic engineering (second edition) (C683) - HK$3,840
The SUDS manual (C697) - HK$3,080
Underground service reservoirs: waterproofing and repair manual (R138) - HK$840
Valves, pipework and associated equipment in dams - guide to condition assessment (R170) - HK$1,480
Water key performance indicators and benchmarks for offices and hotels (C657) - HK$1,160
Water mains: guidance on assessment and inspection techniques (R162) - HK$1,160
The following titles by other publishers can be obtained through CIRIA:
Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector (X484) - HK$840
Gravity drainage systems for buildings (X502) - HK$320
Long-term hazard to drinking water resources from landfills (X492) - HK$1,410
Rainwater and greywater in buildings: project report and case studies (X104) - HK$1,480
Urban Drainage (3rd Edition) (X506) - HK$580
Water Resources Engineering, 2005 Edition (X282) - HK$1,990