Building and Construction Technology
Above-ground proprietary prefabricated oil storage tank systems (C535) - HK$1,480
Action in the case of non-conformity of concrete structures (C519) - HK$1,480
Benchmarking the performance of design activities in construction (C618) - HK$2,760
Bridges - design for improved buildability (R155) - HK$1,160
Building Greener. Guidance on the use of green roofs, green walls and complementary features on buildings (C644) - HK$1,600
Building on derelict land (SP78) - HK$1,480
Buildings for all to use 2 - improving the accessibility of public buildings and environments (C610) - HK$1,730
Buildings for all to use 2 - improving the accessibility of public buildings and environments (C706CD) - HK$1,730
Care and treatment of steel reinforcement and the protection of starter bars (R147) - HK$1,600
CDM 2007 - Construction work sector guidance for designers (C662) - HK$1,160
Chemical storage tank systems - good practice. Guidance on design, manufacture, installation, operation, inspection and maintenance (C598) - HK$1,800
Civil engineering design and construct - a guide to integrating design into the construction process (C534) - HK$1,480
Cladding fixings (C524) - HK$1,480
Coastal and estuarine managed realignment - design issues (C628) - HK$1,600
Concrete pressure on formwork (R108) - HK$840
Concrete technology for cast in-situ foundations (C569) - HK$1,480
Concreting deep lifts and large volume pours (R135) - HK$840
Controlled permeability formwork (C511) - HK$1,480
Crops in construction handbook (C614) - HK$1,480
Dealing with vandalism - a guide to the control of vandalism (SP91) - HK$840
Demonstrating waste minimisation benefits in construction (C536) - HK$1,800
Design for deconstruction. Principles of design to facilitate reuse and recycling (C607) - HK$1,480
Design for inherent security: guidance for non-residential buildings (SP115) - HK$1,160
Design of reinforced concrete flat slabs to BS 8110 (Report 110 Revised Edition 1994) (R110) - HK$840
Early-age thermal crack control in concrete (C660) - HK$1,480
ENGAGE. How to deliver socially responsible construction - a client's guide (C627) - HK$960
Environmental handbook for building and civil engineering projects. Part 1: design and specification (C512) - HK$1,480
Environmental handbook for building and civil engineering projects. Part 2: construction (C528) - HK$1,480
Environmental handbook for building and civil engineering projects. Part 3: demolition and site clearance (C529) - HK$1,480
Faster construction on site by selection of methods and materials (C560) - HK$1,480
Fibre-reinforced polymer composites in construction (C564) - HK$2,240
Fixings in cracked concrete: the probability of coincident occurrence and likely crack width (TN136) - HK$840
Formwork striking times - criteria, prediction and methods of assessment (R136) - HK$840
Freeze-thaw resisting concrete - its achievement in the UK (C559) - HK$1,480
Guidance on designing for crowds an integrated approach (C675) - HK$840
Guidance on glazing at height (C632) - HK$1,800
Guidance on the costing of environmental pollution from construction (C565) - HK$1,480
Guide to good practice for the design and installation of refractory sprayed concrete linings (TN97) - HK$840
Guidelines for checking computer analysis of building structures (TN133) - HK$840
Integrity testing in piling practice (R144) - HK$1,600
Intelligent monitoring of concrete structures (C661) - HK$1,160
Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures (C551) - HK$1,800
Modular gravity retaining walls - design guidance (C516) - HK$1,600
New paint systems for the protection of construction steelwork (R174) - HK$1,480
On-site curing of concrete - microstructure and durability (C530) - HK$1,480
Performance of sealant-concrete joints in wet conditions: results of a laboratory testing programme, Volume 1: main results and discussion (TN144) - HK$840
Permanent formwork in construction (C558) - HK$1,600
Planning to build? A practical introduction to the construction process (SP113) - HK$840
Protecting development from methane (R149) - HK$1,480
Quality management in construction - implementation in design services organisations (SP88) - HK$1,280
Retention of masonry facades - best practice guide (C579) - HK$1,920
Retention of masonry facades - best practice site handbook (C589) - HK$840
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Sealants - microbiological deterioration under wet conditions (C520) - HK$1,480
Securing the contractor's contribution to buildability in design (PR27) - HK$520
Setting-out procedures for the modern built environment (C709) - HK$840
Spalling of concrete in fires (TN118) - HK$840
Standard tests for repair materials and coatings for concrete, Part 1: pull-off tests (TN139) - HK$840
Standard tests for repair materials and coatings for concrete, Part 2: permeability tests (TN140) - HK$840
Standard tests for repair materials and coatings for concrete, Part 3: stability, substrate compatibility and shrinkage (TN141) - HK$840
Standards for the repair of buildings following flooding (C623) - HK$1,480
Steel reinforcement: a handbook for young construction professionals (SP118) - HK$840
Structural renovation of traditional buildings (R111) - HK$840
Temporary propping of deep excavations - guidance on design (C517) - HK$1,600
The management of technical excellence in design organisations (C531) - HK$840
The offsite project toolkit (C631CD) - HK$960
The planning and design of concrete mixes for transporting, placing and finishing (R165) - HK$1,280
The Rock Manual. The use of rock in hydraulic engineering (second edition) (C683) - HK$3,840
The use of concrete in maritime engineering - a guide to good practice (C674) - HK$2,240
The use of epoxy, polyester and similar reactive polymers in construction. Volume 2: specification and use of the materials (PR78) - HK$840
The use of epoxy, polyester and similar reactive polymers in construction. Volume 3: materials technology (PR79) - HK$840
Transfer of adhesives technology. Feasibility study (PR84) - HK$840
Use of sewage sludge products in construction (C608) - HK$1,600
Value by competition: a guide to the competitive procurement of consultancy services for construction (SP117) - HK$1,280
Waste minimisation in construction - training pack (C555TP) - HK$4,740
Water key performance indicators and benchmarks for offices and hotels (C657) - HK$1,160
Water resisting basements - a guide. Safeguarding new and existing basements against water and dampness (R139) - HK$1,160
The following titles by other publishers can be obtained through CIRIA:
A guide to specifying system build car parks. Why make a project out of a product? ... (X495) - HK$840
CHP for Existing Buildings. Guidance on design and installation (BG 2/2007) (X515) - HK$520
Drainage of development sites - a guide (X108) - HK$1,280
Highway Engineering, 2nd edition (X467) - HK$520
ICE Manual of Construction Materials (X491) - HK$3,970
Illustrated Guide to Electrical Building Services 2nd Edition (BG 5/2005) (X517) - HK$840
Illustrated Guide to Mechanical Building Services (AG 15/2002) (X518) - HK$840
Micro-wind turbines in urban environments (X451) - HK$520
Offsite Construction Industry Survey 2006 (X442) - HK$6,400
Practical Design of Timber Structures to Eurocode 5 (X496) - HK$960
Refurbishment and Repair in Construction (X500) - HK$1,090
Sustainability at the Cutting Edge - Emerging Technologies for low energy buildings (2nd edition) (X437) - HK$520