Coastal and Marine
A guide to cost standards for dredging equipment 2009 (C684) - HK$960
Beach management manual (second edition) (C685B) - HK$4,800
Beach management manual (second edition) (C685CD) - HK$2,440
Beach recharge materials - demand and resources (R154) - HK$1,160
Coastal and estuarine managed realignment - design issues (C628) - HK$1,600
Coastal and marine environmental pocket book (C594) - HK$1,800
Coastal and marine environmental site guide (C584) - HK$640
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Flood resilience and resistance for critical infrastructure (C688) - HK$1,160
Guidelines for the use of metocean data through the life cycle of a marine renewable energy development (C666) - HK$1,280
Management of accelerated low water corrosion in steel maritime structures (C634) - HK$1,600
Marine sand and gravel in north-west Europe - a fact-finding and scoping study (PR68) - HK$840
Maximising the use and exchange of coastal data. A guide to best practice (C541) - HK$1,480
Potential use of alternatives to primary aggregates in coastal and river engineering (C590) - HK$1,480
Regional seabed sediment studies and assessment of marine aggregate dredging (C505) - HK$1,280
Safety in ports - ship-to-shore linkspans and walkways. A guide to procurement, operation and maintenance (C518) - HK$1,600
Scoping the assessment of sediment plumes from dredging (C547) - HK$1,600
Sea outfalls - construction, inspection and repair. An engineering guide (R159) - $1,160
The Rock Manual. The use of rock in hydraulic engineering (second edition) (C683) - HK$3,840
The use of concrete in maritime engineering - a guide to good practice (C674) - HK$2,240
The following titles by other publishers can be obtained through CIRIA:
Coasts and seas of the United Kingdom (second edition) (X103CD) - HK$1,900
Guidebook of applied fluvial geomorphology (X497) - HK$1,540