Site safety handbook (fourth edition) (C669)
Building and civil engineering construction sites contain many hazards. The risks to engineers, architects and surveyors and especially to professionals going to work on them for the first time are considerable. This fourth edition of CIRIA's Site safety handbook has been prepared to alert construction professionals to the hazards often present on site, to provide advice on safer practices for themselves and others, and to help them manage these important responsibilities. It has been revised to reflect the recent changes in health and safety regulations.
Although the text is written in the context of the legal framework provided by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act of 1974, the handbook is not a legal document nor is it a comprehensive manual on site safety. It is designed to be an easy-to-read, ready reference guide for use outside, which will slip easily into a pocket. To achieve its purpose, the text has been kept brief.
Keywords: health and safety, construction management, respect for people, risk and value management.
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ISBN: 978-0-86017-669-5
Author: Bielby, S C, Gilbertson, A L
Number of pages: 162 (paperback)
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: July 2008