The Rock Manual. The use of rock in hydraulic engineering (second edition) (C683)
In 1991 CIRIA/CUR produced the Manual on the use of rock in coastal and shoreline engineering, commonly referred to as “The Rock Manual” (CIRIA, 1991). CUR/RWS updated the book in 1995 to include the use of rock in dams, fluvial engineering and construction (CUR, 1995). Two French reference books were produced in the late 1980s: Le dimensionnement des digues à talus (EDF R&D, 1987) and Les Enrochements (LCPC/CETMEF, 1989). Since publication of these earlier reference texts significant research has been done to improve understanding of rock behaviour and to determine improved practices for hydraulic engineering. Consequently, this manual has been developed to bring the earlier publications up to date and has been given a broader scope that increases the focus on environmental and sustainability concerns.
Keywords: dams and reservoirs, rivers and waterways, coastal and marine, environmental good practice, sustainable construction, health and safety, concrete and structures, design and buildability, sustainable resource use, ground investigation and characterisation, construction management, refurbishment, whole life costing, climate change, flooding.
ISBN: 978-0-86017-683-1
Number of pages: 1304 (hardback)
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: June 2007