Building and Facilities Management
A guide to the management of building refurbishment (R133) - HK$1,160
A simple guide to building (SP153) - HK$260
Buildings for all to use 2 - improving the accessibility of public buildings and environments (C610) - HK$1,730
Buildings for all to use 2 - improving the accessibility of public buildings and environments (C706CD) - HK$1,730
Climate change risks in building - an introduction (C638) - HK$1,600
Design for deconstruction. Principles of design to facilitate reuse and recycling (C607) - HK$1,480
Facilities management manuals - a best practice guide (C581) - HK$1,600
Faster construction on site by selection of methods and materials (C560) - HK$1,480
Good practice guidance for refurbishing occupied buildings (C621) - HK$840
Guidance on glazing at height (C632) - HK$1,800
Intelligent monitoring of concrete structures (C661) - HK$1,160
Iron and steel bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment (C664) - HK$2,120
Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures (C551) - HK$1,800
Retention of masonry facades - best practice guide (C579) - HK$1,920
Retention of masonry facades - best practice site handbook (C589) - HK$840
Safer surfaces to walk on - reducing the risk of slipping (C652) - HK$1,800
Soil nailing - best practice guidance (C637) - HK$1,800
Standards for the repair of buildings following flooding (C623) - HK$1,480
Strengthening metallic structures using externally bonded fibre-reinforced composites (C595B) - HK$1,800
Structural renovation of traditional buildings (R111) - HK$840
The Rock Manual. The use of rock in hydraulic engineering (second edition) (C683) - HK$3,840
Tunnels: inspection, assessment and maintenance (C671) - HK$2,120
Water key performance indicators and benchmarks for offices and hotels (C657) - HK$1,160
Whole-life infrastructure assetmanagement: good practice guide for civil infrastructure (C677) - HK$1,480
The following titles by other publishers can be obtained through CIRIA:
Handover, O&M Manuals, and Project Feedback. A toolkit for designers and contractors (BG 1/2007) (X519) - HK$960
Refurbishment and Repair in Construction (X500) - HK$1,090
Site Engineers Manual, 2nd edition (X499) - HK$1,090
Sustainable Practice for the Facilities Manager (X425) - HK$770
The move to low-carbon design: are designers taking the needs of building users into account? A guide for building designers, operators and users (X503) - HK$450
Wheelchair housing design guide (2nd edition) (X345) - HK$640