The impact of European Communities' policy on quality management in construction (SP89)
This publication has been produced because, with the adoption of the aim of completing the Single Internal market by the end of 1992, UK membership of the EC has begun to affect UK quality management policies. The Single Market is concerned with removing legal and administrative barriers to trade, and a number of the measures adopted or proposed have implications for quality management. Principal among the measures are the directives, adopted under the New Approach to Technical Harmonisation and Standards, which include the Construction Products Directive. This has implications for post-construction liability. As liabilities vary between Member States, which could impede free trade, the EC has been examining the possibility of harmonising liabilities, warranties and guarentees in construction. A Postscript has been addded to this publication in order to keep its content as current as practicable, at the time of publication. Key words: QA.
ISBN: 978-0-86017-355-7
Author: R Grover and A Lavers
Number of pages: 268 (paperback)
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: January 1993