Flood Risk Management and Surface Water Drainage
Climate change risks in building - an introduction (C638) - HK$1,600
Coastal and estuarine managed realignment - design issues (C628) - HK$1,600
Control of infiltration to sewers (R175) - HK$1,280
Control of pollution from highway drainage discharges (R142) - HK$1,160
Control of water pollution from construction sites - guide to good practice (SP156) - HK$2,880
Control of water pollution from linear construction projects. Technical guidance (C648) - HK$1,600
Control of water pollution from linear construction projects. Site guide (C649) - HK$840
Culvert design manual (R168) - HK$2,120
Design of flood storage reservoirs (B14) - HK$1,160
Design of reinforced grass waterways (R116) - HK$840
Design of sewers to control sediment problems (R141) - HK$960
Designing for exceedance in urban drainage - good practice (C635) - HK$1,800
Development and flood risk - guidance for the construction industry (C624) - HK$2,240
Dry weather flow in sewers (R177) - HK$1,480
Flood resilience and resistance for critical infrastructure (C688) - HK$1,160
Flow through partly-lined conduits (TN114) - HK$840
Groundwater control - design and practice (C515) - HK$1,600
Guidance on the disposal of dredged material to land (R157) - HK$1,160
Infiltration drainage - manual of good practice (R156) - HK$1,160
Inland dredging - guidance on good practice (R169) - HK$1,280
Low-cost options for prevention of flooding from sewers (C506) - HK$1,280
Management of gully pots for optimum runoff quality (R183) - HK$1,160
Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures (C551) - HK$1,800
Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Model agreements for SUDS (C625) - HK$1,160
Model agreements for sustainable water management systems. Model agreement for rainwater and greywater use systems (C626) - HK$1,160
Planning for SuDS - making it happen (C687) - HK$1,600
Potential use of alternatives to primary aggregates in coastal and river engineering (C590) - HK$1,480
Pumping stations - design for improved buildability and maintenance (R182) - HK$1,160
Risk management for UK reservoirs (C542) - HK$1,480
Safety in ports - ship-to-shore linkspans and walkways. A guide to procurement, operation and maintenance (C518) - HK$1,600
Screenings and grit in sewage - removal, treatment and disposal, phase 2: further cost aspects of screening practice (TN122) - HK$840
Screenings and grit in sewage - removal, treatment and disposal, phase 3: storm water overflows and pumping stations (TN132) - HK$840
Sea outfalls - construction, inspection and repair. An engineering guide (R159) - HK$1,160
Sealants - microbiological deterioration under wet conditions (C520) - HK$1,480
Sediment management in urban drainage catchments (R134) - HK$1,160
Selecting package wastewater treatment plants (PR72) - HK$840
Septic tank systems, 2: options (SP144L2) - HK$130
Septic tank systems: a regulator's guide (SP144BT) - HK$200
Septic tanks and small sewage treatment works: a guide to current practice and common problems (TN146) - HK$840
Setting-out procedures for the modern built environment (C709) - HK840
Sewerage system management: scoping study (PR67) - HK$840
Site handbook for the construction of SUDS (C698) - HK$520
Source control using constructed pervious surfaces. Hydraulic, structural and water quality performance issues (C582) - HK$1,600
Standards for the repair of buildings following flooding (C623) - HK$1,480
Structural design of modular geocellular drainage tanks (C680) - HK$1,480
SUDS compilation (C599CD) - HK$1,160
Sustainable drainage systems. Hydraulic, structural and water quality advice (C609B) - HK$2,120
Sustainable urban drainage systems - best practice manual for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (C523) - HK$1,600
Sustainable urban drainage systems - design manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland (C521) - HK$1,600
Sustainable urban drainage systems - design manual for England and Wales (C522) - HK$1,600
Sustainable water management in land use planning (C630) - HK$2,120
The potential for water pollution from railways (C643) - HK$840
The Rock Manual. The use of rock in hydraulic engineering (second edition) (C683) - HK$3,840
The SUDS manual (C697) - HK$3,080
Use of sewage sludge products in construction (C608) - HK$1,600
Water resisting basements - a guide. Safeguarding new and existing basements against water and dampness (R139) - HK$1,160
The following titles by other publishers can be obtained through CIRIA:
Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector (X484) - HK$840
Drainage of development sites - a guide (X108) - HK$1,280
Gravity drainage systems for buildings (X502) - HK$320
Guidebook of Applied Fluvial Geomorphology (X497) - HK$1,540
The LifE handbook - Long-term initiatives for flood-risk environments (X479) - HK$200
Urban Drainage (3rd Edition) (X506) - HK$580