Infrastructure Asset Management
Bioengineering - the Longham Wood Cutting field trial (PR81) - HK$840
Bridges - design for improved buildability (R155) - HK$1,160
Building response to tunnelling - case studies from construction of the Jubilee Line Extension, London. Volume 1: The project. Volume 2: Case studies (SP200) - HK$2,370
Construction Industry Environmental Forum Knowledge base 1992 - 2001 (C596CD) - HK$1,800
Control of pollution from highway drainage discharges (R142) - HK$1,160
Drystone retaining walls and their modifications: condition appraisal and remedial treatment (C676) - HK$1,480
Infrastructure cuttings - condition appraisal and remedial treatment (C591) - HK$1,600
Infrastructure embankments - condition appraisal and remedial treatment. 2nd edition (C592) - HK$1,600
Intelligent monitoring of concrete structures (C661) - HK$1,160
Iron and steel bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment (C664) - HK$2,120
Laterite in road pavements (SP47) - HK$840
Management of gully pots for optimum runoff quality (R183) - HK$1,160
Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures (C551) - HK$1,800
Masonry arch bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment (C656) - HK$2,120
Residual stresses in a steel box girder bridge (TN110) - HK$580
Response of buildings to excavation-induced ground movements. Proceedings of the international conference held at Imperial College, London, UK on 17-18 July 2001 [book] (SP201) - HK$1,600
Safer surfaces to walk on - reducing the risk of slipping (C652) - HK$1,800
Safety in ports - ship-to-shore linkspans and walkways. A guide to procurement, operation and maintenance (C518) - HK$1,600
Strengthening metallic structures using externally bonded fibre-reinforced composites (C595B) - HK$1,800
The performance of a piled bridge abutment at Newhaven (TN109) - HK$640
The potential for water pollution from railways (C643) - HK$840
Tunnels: inspection, assessment and maintenance (C671) - HK$2,120
Use of industrial by-products in road construction - water quality effects (R167) - HK$1,480
Whole-life infrastructure assetmanagement: good practice guide for civil infrastructure (C677) - HK$1,480
The following titles by other publishers can be obtained through CIRIA:
Refurbishment and Repair in Construction (X500) - HK$1090
Site Engineers Manual, 2nd edition (X499) - HK$1090