Construction Industry Environmental Forum Knowledge base 1992 - 2001 (C596CD)

This CIEF Knowledge base brings together reports from CIEF workshops held between 1992 and 2001. Comprising more than 170 notes, over 1800 pages of text, the Knowledge Base provides an invaluable reference source on all matters relating to construction and the environment and supports:

full text searching

chronological and topic index

printing and copying


For convenience, notes are arranged both by date and by the following topics:

Case studies

Contaminated Land



Legislation, regulation and policy


Nature conservation

Re-use and recycling

Site management issues

Supply chain

Sustainable Development / Construction

Transport, Land Use and Planning


Waste management

Water management

Key words: waste minimisation, sustainable construction, contaminated land, site management, supply chain management, transport infrastructure, energy.

ISBN: 978-0-86017-596-4

Author: CIRIA

Number of pages: CD-ROM

Publisher: CIRIA

Date of Publication: May 2003