The use of epoxy, polyester and similar reactive polymers in construction. Volume 2: specification and use of the materials (PR78)
unsaturated polyesters
acrylates and methacrylates
vinyl esters
Together with Volume 1: The materials and their practical applications (C537) and Volume 3: Materials technology (PR79), the report is intended to promote the more confident and cost-effective use of these materials in the United Kingdom. It deals with products used on site and for the factory production of resin-concrete components. The technical and economic benefits of these thermosetting materials are identified and, to assist in effective use, guidelines for selection and specification are presented. Information is also provided on the nature of reactive polymers, their formulation and their application and safety requirements.
In Volume 1, the predominant focus is on the many established applications of reactive polymers, the main aim being to motivate consideration of these products amongst a wide engineering readership. Volume 2, intended for a more focused readership, concentrates on areas closely associated with actual use. The nature, formulation and properties of these materials are discussed in greater detail in Volume 3, which is aimed mainly at a more specialised readership requiring a greater depth of knowledge of reactive polymers.
Key words: materials, design and buildability, building technology, materials technology.
ISBN: 978-0-86017-878-1
Author: S A Hurley
Number of pages: 82 (paperback)
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: November 2000
Volume 2 of a three-part report, providing guidance on the construction applications and in-service performance of the following types of reactive polymers: