Dealing with vandalism - a guide to the control of vandalism (SP91)
This publication illustrates by case study and photographs the problems of vandalism and shows how solutions have been developed through good management practices, selection of appropriate material and design. It provides practical guidance for managers and those responsible for the operation and maintenance of property and publicly accessible facilities of measures that have been shown to work in practice. The implementation of vandalism prevention programmes is described, and design strategies that assist in controlling vandal activity are identified. The first part of the guide looks at causes on vandalism and the general strategies that can be employed to combat it, the use of surveillance and security systems and concludes with a section addressing the physical menas of dealing with graffiti, a widespread and obtrusive aspect of vandalism. The second part of the guide brings together the treatment of vandalism specifically relating to particular types of building and environment.
Keywords: materials, building technology
ISBN: 978-0-86017-375-5
Author: D W Cheetham (comp)
Number of pages: 226 (paperback)
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: April 1994