Sustainable drainage systems. Hydraulic, structural and water quality advice (C609B)
A sustainable drainage system aims to mimic as closely as possible the natural drainage of a site to minimise the impact of urban development on the flooding and pollution of waterways. Techniques use vegetation features to treat pollution and slow down or reduce flows, as well as to enhance the landscape and provide improved wildlife habitats. This technical report summarises current knowledge on the best approaches to design and construction of sustainable drainage systems. Readers of this book will improve their understanding of the hydrological, hydraulic, structural, water quality and ecological aspects of the various SUDS features available in the UK and overseas.
Keywords: water quality, pollution prevention, urban drainage, environmental good practice, sustainable construction, urban hydrogeology, flooding.
ISBN: 978-0-86017-609-1
Author: S Wilson, R Bray, P Cooper
Number of pages: 320 (paperback)
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: May 2004