Use of industrial by-products in road construction - water quality effects (R167)
With demand for aggregates in the UK forecast to increase and the difficulties of meeting that demand in the long term, there is much interest in the recycling and reuse of by-products and secondary materials as aggregates in construction projects. Concern over the potential of by-products to cause groundwater and surface water pollution has, however, inhibited their uptake.
This book examines whether industrial by-products and reclaimed materials used in road pavement foundations and earthworks are likely to contaminate the water environment. By-product materials that have been, or may be, used in road construction were subjected to laboratory tests. These tests provide a baseline appreciation of the materials' leaching behaviour and the possible consequences of using by-products in road construction. The results, contained here, will be relevant to policy makers, minerals planners, highway engineers, materials producers and environmental regulators.
Key words: waste minimisation, sustainable resource use, transport infrastructure, recycling and reclaimed materials.
ISBN: 978-0-86017-475-2
Author: G Baldwin, R Addis, J Clark and A Rosevear
Number of pages: 152 (paperback)
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: January 1997