Environmental issues in construction - research campaign. Executive summary (PR74)
An important part of CIRIA’s research programme on environmental issues in construction was a self-completion questionnaire survey of the state of environmental initiatives within the construction industry and of sustainability indicators for the civil engineering industry. The replies provide a valuable snapshot of industry awareness of, and attitudes to, these issues. Specifically, the questionnaire was concerned with the views of industry members on the relevance to their businesses of work identified in PR73, environmental initiatives undertaken by the construction and civil engineering industry, and progress in implementing environmental strategies at the workplace. It also asked respondents to consider costs and risks of implementing environmental policy guidelines, environmental impacts and regulatory pressures, and sustainability indicators for the civil engineering sector. This publication summarises the main findings from the responses received and analysed. For the complete details of the questionnaire responses and analysis, purchasers of PR74 may request free short-term loan of the full survey findings (post and packing will be charged). Research use of the findings may be negotiated.
Key words: environmental good practice, sustainable construction.
ISBN: 978-0-86017-874-3
Author: CIRIA
Number of pages: 24 (paperback)
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: March 1999