Shaft friction of CFA piles in chalk (PR86)

CIRIA and member firms of the Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS) collaborated in instituting this research, in order to: obtain and analyse new CFA pile test results in chalk

re-examine the pile test data available at the time PR11 was written

review whether the published value of b is conservative

explore the factors that affect it

refine design recommendations.

This book makes recommendations for the design of shaft resistance of CFA piles in low- and medium- density chalk. It is not appropriate to the design of piles constructed by any other method.The report contains the graphical plots and analyses of pile test data and reviews some design aspects of continuous flight augered piles in chalk.

Key words: ground engineering, piling, ground investigation and characterisation, soil-structure interaction.

ISBN: 978-0-86017-886-6

Author: A Lord, T Hayward, C R I Clayton

Number of pages: 52 (paperback)

Publisher: CIRIA

Date of Publication: March 2003