Sr Joe Wu
Sr Joe WU (BSc(Hons), MSc, MBA, MEC, FHKIS, FRICS, RPS(QS), MACostE, MHIREA, ICIOB, MBCS, MHKSS, MHKIBIM, MbSHK, MHKWMA, AHKIEIA, BEAM Pro, SCMN Certified Mediator) has been working as cost and quality controller in a real estate developer for 20 years and now is a Co-Founder of QnS Consultancy Limited which provides Building Information Modelling (BIM), Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM) Plus, Quantity Surveying and Risk Management services to construction and real estate projects. Sr Wu is also an experienced Assessment of Professional Competency (APC) assessor of local and international professional institutions.