Webinars of the Geological Society of Hong Kong
"澎湖群島的美麗與憂愁 (The Beauties and Worries of Penghu Islands)" - 顏一勤地質技師主講 (by Mr. I-Chin YEN) - May 14, 2022 (in Mandarin)
"中國地塊解讀, 與地質愛好者一起探索 (Reading China's Rock Formations, Discovering with Enthusiasts)" - 曾慶田退休醫生主講 [by Dr. Kingston Hing Tin TSENG (Retired)] - April 23, 2022 (in Cantonese)
"尋找和管理香港砂資源" - 張志德工程師主講 - September 18, 2021 (in Cantonese)
"台灣東部變質岩簡介 (Metamorphic Rocks of Eastern Taiwan)" by Professor Chia-Yu LU (retired) ( 盧佳遇退休教授主講 ) - June 18, 2021 (in Mandarin)
"火山漫談 (Volcano)" by Professor Teh-Ching LIU (retired) (劉德慶退休教授主講) - March 19, 2021 (in Mandarin)