Professional Qualifications
Professional Registrations:
Registered Professional Engineer (Civil, Environmental & Geotechnical), Hong Kong, Serial number RP0064823 – July 18, 1995
Chartered Civil Engineer, the United Kingdom, Serial number 45750438 – July 24, 1996
Registered Professional Engineer, the State of Texas, U.S.A., Serial number 73249 – October 2, 1992
Professional Affiliations
Fellow, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Fellow, the American Society of Civil Engineers
Fellow, the Institution of Civil Engineers, the United Kingdom
Member, the Chinese Institute of Civil & Hydraulic Engineering
Life Member, the California Alumni Association
Member, the Berkeley Engineering Alumni Society
Member, the University of California at Berkeley Geotechnical Society
Member, the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Member, the Rotary Foundation Alumni Association 3450
Fellow Member, the Community & Construction Professionals' Development Centre
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