Remedial treatment for contaminated land - training pack (C540)
Excavation and disposal is currently the most commonly applied remedial option for land contamination. Experience regarding the remediation of land contamination is constantly being gained, however, and there are now numerous case studies of different remedial techniques being successfully applied in the UK and elsewhere. This pack aims to increase the ability of all those involved in remediating contaminated land to better assess the whole range of options with the potential to remediate at the best balance of economic costs, engineering feasibility and environmental impact. The training pack, designed and produced by CIRIA, Environ Aspinwall and TEN, is designed to be used by groups with a facilitator, but may also benefit individuals. Module 1 sets the scene for the course and provides a general overview of the application of remedial options for land contamination. Module 2 looks at establishing the remediation objectives for a project and the importance of identifying site-specific constraints, grounded on the principles of risk assessment. It also covers the importance of defining the regulatory requirements of a project. Module 3 details the principles of the different remedial options, describing the techniques, typical costs of implementation, and some of their limitations. Module 4 considers how to select the appropriate options for different types of projects and formulate a remedial strategy for a site.
The coverage of and interaction between the four modules is clearly shown on a large poster. The pack contains material to support six hours of training sessions, which can contribute towards credits for Continuing Professional Development. It comprises an instruction booklet, facilitator’s notes and delegates’ notes, 3.5 inch floppy disk containing overheads in PowerPoint ’97, a video cassette showing case studies, and a copy of CIRIA SP101, Remedial treatment for land contamination.Volume I: introduction and guide.
ISBN: 978-0-86017-540-7
Author: CIRIA
Number of pages: Mixed media training pack
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: March 2001